Choose the perfect plan to suit your unique requirements

Select from a range of tailored plans designed to meet your specific needs, ensuring you get the best value and features for your business.


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Everything in Premium
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Dedicated account manager
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Unlimited storage
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Onboarding and training sessions
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Advanced security features
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Unlimited user accounts
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Personalized performance reports
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Dedicated server options

Explore plans tailored specifically to your business goals

Upcoming features

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Allow users to try the software for a limited period.
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Provide monthly, and annual, billing options.
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Provide a limited-feature version for free.
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Offer discounts for annual subscriptions.
Free plan
  • 30-day trial, free
  • No credit card required
  • Free setup and support
Premium plan
  • Everything in standard
  • Priority support
  • Unlimited user accounts

Select your plan

Selecting the perfect plan involves exploring a variety of options tailored to cater to your specific needs.


Basic plan

Perfect for startups and small businesses.

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Access for up to 5 users
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Basic support
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1 GB storage
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Data analytics dashboard


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Standard plan

Ideal for growing teams and businesses

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Access for up to 15 users
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Priority email support
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5 GB Storage
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Daily backups


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Pro plan

For established businesses and teams

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Access for up to 30 users
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24/7 priority support
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10 GB storage
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Advanced data analytics dashboard


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